Corsair 8GB 16GB DDR3 Memory for Apple Mac Computers

Corsair 8GB 16GB DDR3 Memory for Apple Mac Computers

By Admin 19 December 2011 0 comments
  • Corsair 8GB 16GB DDR3 Memory for Apple Mac Computers

In this press release on the Dec 15th 2011, Corsair announced the availability of new 8GB and 16GB memory upgrades for Apple computers.

Corsair Announces 8GB and 16GB DDR3 Memory Upgrades for Apple Computers

– 8GB on a single module allows Mac® systems to break the 8GB memory barrier –

FREMONT, California — December 15th, 2011 — Corsair®, a worldwide designer and supplier of high-performance components to the PC gaming hardware market, today announced of 8GB and 16GB DDR3 memory upgrade kits for Apple® Mac desktop and laptop systems.
Corsair 8GB 16GB DDR3 Memory for Apple Mac Computers screenshot 1

Mac systems with two memory slots have traditionally been limited to only 8GB of memory. By increasing the individual module capacity to 8GB, Corsair's latest memory upgrade kits allow Mac owners to upgrade to 10GB, 12GB, or even 16GB of memory.

Corsair's Mac memory kits are tested at Apple Developer Compatibility Labs and work with most MacBook® Pro, iMac®, and Mac mini systems shipped in 2011.

The new DDR3 Mac memory upgrades, like all Corsair DRAM products, are tested to exacting standards and come with a limited lifetime warranty.

An article detailing the installation of Corsair Mac memory in a MacBook Pro can be found on the blog

"The ability to go beyond 8GB of memory will be a boon for graphics designers and video editors on the go, IT professionals who need to run Windows virtual machines simultaneously with Mac OS X, network administrators who use Macs as servers or web hosts, or anybody who wants to push their Mac to the limits of its performance," said Thi La, Vice President of Memory Products at Corsair. "Corsair's renowned service and support and our limited lifetime warranty make our Mac memory upgrades a smart investment."
Corsair 8GB 16GB DDR3 Memory for Apple Mac Computers screenshot 2

Corsair Mac memory upgrade kits are available in the following configurations:
Size Speed # of DIMMs Part Number
16GB 1333MHz, 9-9-9-24, 1.5V 2 CMSA16GX3M2A1333C9
8GB 1333MHz, 9-9-9-24, 1.5V 1 CMSA8GX3M1A1333C9

The new DDR3 Mac memory kits will be available in January from Corsair's worldwide network of resellers and distributors.

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