Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1

Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1

By Admin 12 July 2011 0 comments
  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1

Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1
On the 11 June 2011, Intel released version 4.1 of Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (GPA), the latest graphic developer tool suite used to analyze and optimize PC games and media applications. Intel GPA 4.1 adds the ability to profile Rich Web entertainment apps for accelerated browsers such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome and Mozilla FireFox. New features also include media analysis tools to visualize code efficiency with Open CL standard and Intel® Media Software Development Kit.

Intel® GPA is a powerful, agile developer tool suite for analyzing and optimizing games, media, and other graphics-intensive applications. Version 4.1, available today, adds significant new features to the product, based upon recommendations from graphics developers such as yourself.

This latest release includes includes the ability to profile browser accelerated graphics workloads (hosted in Internet Explorer 9, Chrome, and FireFox 4), OpenCL and Media Performance Analysis capabilities, a new hardware thread view in Intel GPA Platform Analyzer, large file support (up to 2GB) in Intel GPA Platform Analyzer, and various performance enhancements throughout Intel GPA System Analyzer HUD, Intel GPA Frame Analyzer, and Intel GPA Platform Analyzer.

What's New in Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1

Version 4.1 of the Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers contains the following new features:

Intel® GPA Media Performance Analyzer (New!)

  • New tool for performance analysis of Intel® HD Graphics 3000/2000 accelerated media applications
  • Ability to create media performance trace capture files for visualization and detailed analysis in the Intel® GPA Platform Analyzer
  • Capture trace files provide a system-wide picture of how your code works with Intel® Media SDK and Microsoft DXVA2 and how media-related workloads execute on the GPU.

OpenCL Support (New!)

  • Capitalize on OpenCL support to develop code that runs across heterogeneous platforms.


  • Ability to analyze CPU and GPU workloads enabled by Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, Mozilla Firefox 4, and Google Chrome

Intel® GPA Monitor

  • Ability to track media metrics (GPU utilization with break-down to GPU engines and types of media operations) in real-time while running your application

Intel® GPA System Analyzer HUD

  • Ability to change which D3D device for the instrumented process is being used to collect metrics, while your graphics application works with multiple D3D devices
  • Ability to create Intel® Graphic Checker data capture files for further analysis with the Intel® Graphics Checker software assessment tool; the Intel Graphic Checker generates a Tool Report File that you can upload to the Intel® Software Partner Program website for access to a customized Software Assessment Report, plus several development and marketing resources designed to increase the visibility of your gaming title

Intel® GPA Frame Analyzer

  • Added Recently-Used File list to the menu
  • Display Depth Buffers (on the bubble)
  • Pixel History query enabled in tab
  • Menu option to disable the variance display in Details tab
  • Copy to clipboard support added to tree lists (CTRL+C only)
  • Export render target bitmap (right-click on frame buffers or textures)
  • Enhanced API log details (accessible via the menu)
  • Implemented the Show All Render Targets option in the Render Target Viewer panel, in order to display all the render targets in the frame no matter which ergs are selected

Intel® GPA Platform Analyzer

  • Hardware tracks and tasks support: one track for each logical CPU core is added to the Task Timeline panel, displaying state information on the tasks running on each logical core
  • Task states displayed in the Task Timeline panel; this enables you to see when instrumented tasks are actually running on a CPU core or are suspended
  • A new track containing task groups added to the Task Timeline panel, enabling you to see time spans occupied by each task group
  • New toolbar buttons for important operations
  • Trace Information dialog box providing information on the trace file including task and task group counts, and system information from the environment where the trace file was collected including graphics driver version, operating system, and a preview image taken when the trace data was collected (when applicable)
  • Track hiding and reordering: drag the tracks up and down to reorder them, remove unneeded tracks from the Task Timeline
  • Movable panels from multiple loaded files: you can tear off panels from different loaded files and arrange them side by side for easy comparison
  • Tabbed multi-document manager enabling you to quickly switch among multiple loaded files
  • Ability to open and interact with large trace files (up to 1GB in size)

Download a free copy or learn more about Intel GPA 4.1

Information source for Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1: Intel Share this post on Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4.1

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