By Admin 05 August 2011 0 comments
  • NVIDIA and AMD at SIGGRAPH 2011

With the SIGGRAPH 2011 event approaching, the two competitors, NVIDIA and AMD, will be exhibiting their latest and best technologies regarding the graphics industry. The SIGGRAPH 2011 event will be held in Vancouver BC. Both NVIDIA and AMD have a message to share with us, which are provided below.

First, let`s take a look at what NVIDIA have to say before the event. This article was posted at the NVIDIA blog on the 3rd August 2011 and was as follows:-

Keep An Eye On NVIDIA At SIGGRAPH 2011 Vancouver

SIGGRAPH 2011 Vancouver is right around the corner and NVIDIA will again be a high-profile exhibitor at the show to highlight the latest and greatest computer graphics tech in the industry.

NVIDIA is sponsoring and hosting all manner of technology talks, panels, contests, and technology presentations at SIGGRAPH 2011, the world’s premier computer graphics conference. Our goal is to give students, researchers, and industry professionals various opportunities to interact and discuss state-of-the-art visualization and rendering techniques with the biggest names in their space.

So, what can you expect to see from NVIDIA at the show? We’re glad you asked. For those of you attending the show, you can look forward to these events:

Autodesk Student Experience, sponsored by NVIDIA
It’s all about the next generation. Designed specifically for students, aspiring new graphics professionals will get a chance to hone their skills in Autodesk Maya, Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk Softimage. Attendees can expect to enjoy a bevy of presentations and workshops, and will be using workstations powered by NVIDIA Quadro professional graphics cards. (Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel – Aug 7 @ 9am PDT)

NVIDIA “Tech Talks,” sponsored by Dell
Drop by the NVIDIA “Tech Talks” room to attend any of our seven interactive discussions about the impact of GPUs on CG and design. We’ll have panel discussions and technical deep dives, covering everything from advanced ray tracing to simulation to tessellation. (Vancouver Conventer Centre, West Building, Level 2, Room 220 – Aug 8, 9am-5:30pm PDT)

NVIDIA Technology Theater, sponsored by HP
Throughout each of the three days of SIGGRAPH 2011, the NVIDIA Technology Theater will present technology and product demonstrations from the likes of Adobe, Dassault Systemes, Digital Domain, Geomerics, LookFX and Viewpartners. If you can’t make it to Vancouver, no problem—most of these will be streamed live on the NVIDIA Facebook page. (Vancouver Convention Centre, NVIDIA Booth (#453) – Aug 9, 10, 11)

NVIDIA Sketch Match Competition, sponsored by Dell
Show attendees are invited bring their artistic talent and competitive spirit to battle fellow illustrators, animators and designers for great prizes, including NVIDIA® Quadro® 4000 professional graphics solutions courtesy of PNY, drawing tablets from Wacom, plus software provided by Adobe, Autodesk, and Luxology. (Vancouver Convention Centre, Booth #603 – Aug 8, 9, 10)

NVArt 6 Competition Winners Announcement
The annual NVArt competition is afoot, and NVIDIA and CGSociety.org will announce the winners of the annual competition at the show. This year’s theme: Moving Innovation. This year’s prize pool: $34,000 in prizes being awarded, including several Quadro 6000 professional graphics cards

Giveaway – Lenovo ThinkPad Tablets up for grabs
You know those snazzy, new Lenovo ThinkPad Tablets, powered by the NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core processor? Yeah, we’re giving away three of these “business companion” tablets. (Vancouver Convention Centre, NVIDIA Booth (#453))

For those of you unable to make the trek to attend SIGGRAPH 2011 in person, fret not. We’ll be serving up content over the web for you to enjoy from the comfort of your desk/couch/bed:

Live Streams
Can’t make it to SIGGRAPH this year? We understand, and know you don’t want to miss all the presentations from the show. So, check this out — for the first time, we’ll be streaming most of our technical deep dives and theater presentations. You can watch most of these streams live, as they happen, on the NVIDIA Facebook page. The footage will also be recorded for you to view at your convenience.

Technology Demonstrations
We know you want to see all the latest technology in the computer graphics space, so we’ll also be posting technology demonstration videos of what’s being shown in the NVIDIA booth on the show floor on this blog. Expect to see demos of Adobe AfterEffects, Autodesk 3ds Max with NVIDIA iray, rendering and graphics in the cloud, and Adobe CS5.5 Premiere Pro, among others

Online Sketch Match Competition
Don’t feel left out of the Sketch Match party, either, just because you’re at home. NVIDIA is opening up a special online Sketch Match competition if you’re unable to attend the show. Simply submit your artwork via our online submission form by 11:59pm PDT on Thursday, August 11, 2011. The submission form will be posted on blogs.nvidia.com next week.

NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH 2011. It’s going to be a great show—see you there, or see us online!
More information can be obtained at http://goo.gl/OCVm4

Now, let`s look at the article posted at the AMD blog on the 2nd August 2011 by Mark Ireton:-

Join AMD at SIGGRAPH 2011

NVIDIA and AMD at SIGGRAPH 2011 - AMD logo
Next week I will be attending SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver BC. Please come and join me and check out AMD’s SIGGRAPH 2011 booth #631 where you can see the latest in GPU technology, digital art-making toolsets and digital media workflows.

We have an exciting theater schedule including presentations by Chaos Group (OpenCLTM in V-RAY), Autodesk, Luxology, AMD and other leading names in computer graphics.

The Experience Zone section of AMD’s SIGGRAPH 2011 booth features a “classroom” environment where experts from AMD, Autodesk, Luxology and others will be delivering various hands-on training sessions as well as hosting several FirePro FireDrill speed modeling contests. Take a look at our Experience Zone schedule and join us to learn more about these key technologies.

Of course, I would like to draw your attention to the three OpenCL Tech sessions in the Experience Zone, Tuesday at 1:30pm, Wednesday 11:30am, and Thursday at 1:30pm. In these slots AMD’s developer tools team will be giving guided tours of gDEBugger the first debugger for OpenCL kernels running on a GPU, and AMD’s APP Profiler, a runtime profiler that gathers GPU performance data from a running OpenCL application. Learn how to find and fix bugs in your OpenCL GPU Kernels, and how to boost the performance of your OpenCL applications.

Be sure to go by the AMD booth on Tuesday morning to reserve your spot as seating for these sessions is limited!

As a final note don’t miss the OpenCL Birds of a Feather session at 1:30pm Wednesday. See y’all there.

Mark Ireton is the Product Manager for Compute Solutions at AMD. His postings are his own opinions and may not represent AMD’s positions, strategies or opinions. Links to third party sites, and references to third party trademarks, are provided for convenience and illustrative purposes only. Unless explicitly stated, AMD is not responsible for the contents of such links, and no third party endorsement of AMD or any of its products is implied.

It seems that the competitors are already prepared to show their best. We only need to wait for the event to end. Also attending the event will be the other big companies like Intel and others. Share this post on NVIDIA and AMD at SIGGRAPH 2011

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