Histats - The Graphical Tracking Tools

Histats - The Graphical Tracking Tools

By Admin 04 December 2010 0 comments
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Histats is a free service providing statistics about websites and blogs using graphs and diagrams.

The site and counters that are placed on the blogs and other websites display real-time data to viewers and designers, providing a better way of knowing the traffic sources to your website.

Traffic from search engines is also monitored and displayed to the users with the exact keywords that was searched.

With Histats, users can analyse all their sites ( if they have more than one ) with a single account.

The first thing to do is to register the site ( this is free ) from here.

Histats provides a variety of highly graphical counters that can be displayed on the user`s site. All of them can viewed from here.

Tracking can be categorized by title, URL and others and the data can be downlaoded in either PNG, CSV or TSV formats. This allows users to keep extra record of the traffic.

The service can even predict your upcoming traffic based on past data.

The following facilities are available with Histats :-

Histats the tracking tools f1
  • Site visitors/pageviews/return visitors by hour,day,month year
  • Online visitors and Forecast of hourly and daily stats
  • Stats summary and customizable reports 
  • Compare more stats of more days OR ppv,online visitors average, new visitors values in the same chart , with just 2 clicks

Histats the tracking tools f2
  • Last 60 days trends with hourly/daily stats
  • Daily stats archived since subscription day 
  • Unlimited daily and monthly website referral stats
  • Unlimited daily and monthly search engine referral stats
  • 120-day day-to-day search engine trend comparison

Histats the tracking tools f4
  • Cumulative exportable, sortable stats by : visitors language, browser version , operative systems and resolution stats, useful to build a "visitor compatible" website! 
  • Cumulative exportable, sortable stats by: geolocation , city, country, region, internet connection speed and visitor IP!

Histats the tracking tools f5
  •  You can have unlimited sites in your account
  • Free visible, invisible and password protected stats! Other competitors do not have password protected stats in their free versions
  • 600+ hit counter styles. Transparent, text and hidden counters available
  • The control panel allow you to create sub-accounts with different access levels for same site. For each account, you may create sub-accounts with permission rights to view their respective statistical data. This is an effective way for your customers and advertisers to see their stats

To know about more of the features of Histats, go to this page.

Histats have many more facilites that has not been mentioned here. The best way to know about them is to try Histats and use the various tracking tools to have a better overview of the traffic coming to your site.

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