By Admin 13 August 2011 0 comments

As announced in a previous article some days ago, NVIDIA was present at the SIGGRAPH 2011 event and now the event is over. Here, I have provided you some some articles that was written before and after the event at the NVIDIA blog, dealing the the technologies that would be presented/was presented at the event.

First, let`s look at the article after the event :-

SIGGRAPH Attendees Flock to NVIDIA for Graphics Tech Talks

NVIDIA didn’t just show off snazzy, new computer graphics and design technologies at SIGGRAPH 2011, we also helped SIGGRAPH attendees get up to speed on the latest tools of the trade with various tech talks, theater presentations and a panel discussion.

On Monday, August 8th, NVIDIA hosted seven interactive “Tech Talks” that explored the impact of GPUs on state-of-the-art CG and interactive design. With a panel discussion and technical “deep dives” covering everything from advanced ray tracing and photorealistic rendering to simulation and tessellation, Monday’s Tech Talks kicked off SIGGRAPH 2011 in a big way.

On top of that, NVIDIA presented all manner of tech demos and case studies throughout the show at the NVIDIA Technology Theater, sponsored by HP. From game engines to virtual moviemaking, the theater presentations were full of insight into state-of-the-art tools. For those of you unable to make it out to the show in person, don’t forget that you can still catch the live stream.

The folks at SIGGRAPH are an enthusiastic bunch, and we’re honored by the impressive turnout at our booth. Check out the photo gallery below to see what the NVIDIA Tech Talks and Technology Theater looked like at the show.

Oh, and don’t forget, there’s still one more day left in the SIGGRAPH 2011 conference, so stop by the NVIDIA booth before it’s too late.

Here`s one article published before the event on the 9th August 2011 :-

Adobe & NVIDIA Team Up for Ray Traced Compositing

One thing you’re going to want to check out at SIGGRAPH 2011 in Vancouver is the Adobe pod within the NVIDIA booth, where Adobe is showcasing an experimental technology demo of GPU ray tracing for motion graphics.

By using ray tracing, a motion graphics artist can quickly generate eye catching reflections, refractions and accurate lighting – all without being a 3D rendering expert. GPUs make ray tracing practical for production. This new renderer is fast enough for you to actually scrub the timeline when using Fermi-class GPUs. With a couple of GPUs, the interaction is fast enough for you to do all your work WYSWIG within the production renderer and forget about the OpenGL mode.

Adobe’s research project is running within a test application framework that allows the compositing of 3D shape and text layers in a 3D environment. What’s remarkable is that they’re doing this with a fully ray traced renderer. While they also have an OpenGL renderer for realtime manipulation, its production rendering is 100% ray traced.

What made it practical for Adobe to build this, and reach such high performance levels, was the NVIDIA OptiX ray tracing engine. Adobe worked with NVIDIA to leverage OptiX to build their new renderer in just a few months. The job of OptiX is to let the developer concentrate on rendering while it handles all the intricacies of making it go fast on the GPU – and Adobe’s results are proving it’s good at its job.

Come visit the NVIDIA booth at SIGGRAPH to see this technology demo running on Quadro 6000 and Tesla class GPUs.

And now, here another post published before the SIGGRAPH 2011 event on the 10th August 2011 :-

NVIDIA Photorealistic Rendering Technology Demo At SIGGRAPH 2011

SIGGRAPH has traditionally been the conference at which NVIDIA’s Advanced Rendering Center’s innovations have been announced, and this year is no exception. We’re proud to unveil Autodesk’s upcoming 3ds Max 2012 Subscription Release with ActiveShade iray at SIGGRAPH 2011.

Of the many 3ds Max artists adopting iray, quite a few have voiced the desire for an interactive solution to reduce their design turnaround time. They recognize that iray is inherently suited to interactive editing, since it progressively shows full global illumination results over the entire image.

Now, the good news – attendees at the SIGGRAPH 2011 conference will have the opportunity to see a preview of interactive iray in 3ds Max. This preview is not just a technology demonstration, but a sneak peak of new functionality coming in the Autodesk 3ds Max 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack later this fall (see Autodesk for ship dates).

So, in the near future, 3ds Max subscribers will be able to interactively edit their scenes while iray renders live in the 3ds Max ActiveShade viewport. They will be able to edit geometry; add, delete and move objects; create, position and orient lights; and edit materials and light characteristics – all while watching the scene render with full global illumination and no compromises.

Even better, the image shown developing in the ActiveShade viewport is exactly the same as what they will get in the iray final-frame production renderer in 3ds Max, not just a limited preview of it.

To take things even further, “Project Maximus”-based workstations will allow 3ds Max to run with full viewport interactivity, while accelerating iray rendering on one or more attached GPUs.

SIGGRAPH 2011 will also provide attendees an opportunity to see where photorealistic rendering may be heading in the future. Last year, at SIGGRAPH 2010, we demonstrated a technology preview of iray rendering in the cloud, utilizing large-scale, on-demand GPU resources to accelerate photorealistic production rendering, as well as live design reviews via the web.

This year we will be showing off this capability as part of a 3ds Max workflow, allowing any Max seat to render like a supercomputer by leveraging an Amazon cloud cluster of dual-GPU machines.

Anyone interested in physically-based interactive rendering in Design and DCC should stop by the NVIDIA booth (#453) or the Autodesk booth theater to see how the combination of iray rendering, 3ds Max and NVIDIA GPU technology will revolutionize the way you produce photorealistic scenes.

Well, these were 3 posts made at the NVIDIA blog regarding the SIGGRAPH 2011 event. I hope these helped you have a better idea of some of the things NVIDIA presented there. Share this post on NVIDIA at SIGGRAPH 2011

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