Microworkers - Online Work place

Microworkers - Online Work place

By Admin 07 December 2010 0 comments
Microworkers is a site which provide an interface to both employers and workers, allowing them to achieve their objectives.

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Microworkers is a very user-friendly platform for both employers and workers. We will try to illustrate how the service operates by referring to examples.

Let`s say you are an employer. You may want people to do jobs for you in exchange for a payment. This job may be to write an article about your product or website on the worker`s site. You may specify the number of words. You may additionally include other requirements, for example: the article should contain a link to site or product.

Now, to ensure that the work is well completed, you may ask for the link of the article. More proofs may be asked for other jobs. You may reject the work if it is not completed according to the requirements you mentioned. Dealings would be made at Microworkers, so both the employers and the workers should behave according to the terms of use of Microworker.

For a specific jobs, you may provide the number of times it can be completed by unique workers. For example, if the job was to link to your site, you may allow this jobs to be available only 100 times. This means that only 100 unique workers can perform it. At the end, you would have 100 links on other sites pointing towards yours and you only have to pay 100 different persons for inserting your link in a 50 words article ( this is not a very big job for a person, so you will pay the person according to the difficulty of the job ).

Now let`s assume you are the worker. You get paid for doing jobs which satisfy the requirements of the employer. You may be paid for writing a 50 words article or for clicking on an advertissing of the employer. If you have a bog with high page rank, you may apply for better jobs which pay more. For example, some jobs would require you to write a 50 words article on any blog and others want you to write it on a blog with page rank 4. The second one would definitely pay more.

Workers get a $1.00 bonus when they register. ( free registration can be made through the link above )

So, do not waste any time. The first to go there can apply and complete the better jobs.

New jobs are added everyday and a specific job can be completed by more than one person.

This is an efficient way of monetizing on the web, unlike others which tend to trick users. Share this post on Microworkers - Online Work place

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